Twenty Top Tips to eating well, while staying lean

  1. Compensate for social eating days by keeping other days ‘lean’
  2. Keep treats, favourite foods and alcohol for social eating
  3. Stick to plenty of salad and coloured veggies, some fruit and low fat protein foods, on lean days with very small amounts of low GI carb foods
  4. Don’t keep foods or drinks you can’t resist at home, just have them when you’re social eating
  5. Know your triggers to overeating, comfort eating, boredom eating and avoid them
  6. Make it easy on yourself; treat yourself like a best friend (or a tantrum throwing toddler)
  7. Make sure everything you eat and drink is ‘calorie worthy’
  8. Eat and drink mindfully – slowly, thoughtfully, savouring each mouthful
  9. Stay aware of mindless eating (nibbling, snacking, binging, ‘just because it’s there eating’
  10. Have a plan – for lean days, social eating and danger situations
  11. Keep a ‘toolbox’ of strategies that work for you
  12. Keep portions small, only as much as you need to enjoy it, share dishes, under order, take some of it with you to enjoy later
  13. Don’t let yourself get over hungry or it’s difficult to eat mindfully
  14. Always stay comfortable, never more than half full
  15. Serve foods and drinks attractively, using garnishes, attractive crockery, glassware and cutlery
  16. Always eat from a plate, at a table, never on the go
  17. Alcohol makes it harder to stay aware of what you’re eating and drinking (and to care) so drink plenty of water as well, sip drinks slowly, pace yourself
  18. Collect ideas and recipes that are delicious, but not your triggers to overeat including interesting salad ideas, fruit based desserts, vegetable based nibble platters
  19. Milky coffees are like a mid meal or small meal so have them carefully

Use a calorie counter book to know your stuff (Alan Borushek’s Calorie Fat and Carbohydrate Counter is inexpensive and easily avail


One thought on “Twenty Top Tips to eating well, while staying lean

  1. Marika Simpson

    You certainly practise what you preach! No more scones at hand in the freezer for me, or at least no cream that can be beaten up to make an irresistible combination.


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